
also born on a blue day

OK, here is a book for you English readers. Born on a Blue Day by

Daniel Tammet. When I started it, I had not known anything about

the author, who is an autistic savant with amazing creative and

cognitive talents. In this memoir, he covers a range of topics,

including his successful challenge to recite from memory the first

22,514 digits of the mathematical constant pi (let's see if I can do

three digits: 3.14 - yes!).


Most interesting for me are the parts when he describes his visual and

emotional experience of numbers - what scientists call "synesthesia".

Can you imagine this going on in your mind?


"Numbers are my friends, and they are always around me. Each one

is unique and has its own personality. The number 11 is friendly and

5 is loud, whereas 4 is both shy and quiet - it's my favorite number,

perhaps because it reminds me of myself. Some are big - 23, 667,

1,179 - while others are small: 6,13,581. Some are beautiful, like 333,

and some are ugly, like 289. To me, every number is special." (p.2)


Fantastic, isn't it? In a very small way, I can almost feel what he means

- 289 is kind of ugly, don't you think? Daniel Tammet also sees days

of the week as  certain colors - thus the book title, which refers to his

birth on a Wednesday - always "a blue day". After a quick online

search (again, I don't have quite that kind of brainpower!) I was

comforted to know that my birthday, May 10, 1967, was also a 

Wednesday - because blue is my favorite color, and that just feels



But beyond this exposure to a fascinating story, what I got from the

book was a renewed incentive to understand how other people learn.

One of my company's main business areas is in professional training,

most often for multi-national corporations and audiences that include

a wide range of scientists, marketers, researchers, etc. We work

hard to get our key messages across to these many types of people,

but sometimes it is easy to forget that the individuals do approach

problems very differently, depending on their own innate abilities,

experiences, and cultures.


The passage that really brought this home to me in the book comes

when Daniel Tammet is talking about his elementary school days:


"I often found it confusing when we were given arithmetic worksheets

in class with the different numbers printed identically in black. To me,

it seemed that the sheets were covered in printing errors. I couldn't

figure out, for example, why eight was not larger than six, or why

nine was printed in black instead of blue... When I wrote my answers

on the paper, the teacher complained that my writing was too uneven

and messy. I was told to write every number the same as the others.

I didn't like having to write the numbers down wrong."


So next time I am explaining something for the third time in a lecture

setting, repeating myself, not getting through and sensing frustration on

both sides, hopefully I will remember to step back and try a different

approach. Maybe ask the group to gaze out the window at the

massive 9's that dot the Shinjuku skyline, to try to imagine which

number might sound like "a clap of thunder or the sound of  waves

crashing against rocks" (5), or which one could feel "lumpy like

porridge" (37). At the very least, the conversation wouldn't be boring...


jeffjapan at 00:05コメント(0)PeopleLearning 



やっとでました。超有名な戦略経営学者であるハーバード大学のマイケル・ポーター先生とヴァージニア大学のオルムステッド・ティスバーグ先生が2006年に出版した"Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results"の日本語版(医療戦略の本質:価値を向上させる競争)。予約購入で先日私のところに届きました。ちょっと重いと言えば重い(626ページ、内容も軽くありませんよ!)ですが、夏休みにじっくりと時間が取れる方々に是非お勧めしたい一冊です。

ポーター氏が1985年に取り上げた"Value Chain Analysis"(バリュー・チェーン)の、医療業界への応用編となります。詳細が多く、基本的にアメリカ市場状況しか紹介されていませんので、100%参考になる訳ではありませんが、基本的なメッセージが分かりやすく、日本でも十分な意味をもつと思います:

1) ある薬剤の単価、ある医師の時間配分、ある機械の利用頻度など、単発のコスト削減ばかりを見るゼロ・サム競争ではなく、ある疾患で苦しんでいる患者様へ包括的に提供する価値に基づく競争が原点。

2) 患者様が病気になってからでは遅い。医療システムの全ステークホールダー(医師、看護師、薬剤師、患者、病院経営者、製薬・機器メーカーなど)が予防医療(PREVENTION)を促進させるために、自分なりにできることをやるべき。「突き詰めていえば、本来は健康な方が安上がりであるため、医療の質の向上はコストを低下させるのである。従って、健康を維持することが究極的なコスト削減になるのだ。「p.164」





jeffjapan at 10:29コメント(0)トラックバック(0)Pharma/HealthcareIdeas 



会計・コンサル会社のプライスウォーターハウスクーパース(PWC)が過去3年間に渡って出版したシリーズ「Pharma 2020」の最新版「Marketing the Future」というレポートを読みました。

慢性疾患の広がりとともに高まる財政問題、テクノロジーの進化による米国のe-prescribing(電子処方)やPHR(Personal Health Records、個人の病歴や服薬履歴などのデータ)のオンライン管理、海外のジェネリック採用促進事例などに関する情報盛り沢山このレポートを読むと、世界では医療システムそのものが大きく変革しようとしていることを感じます。



尚、Pharma2020シリーズの2007年度のレポート「ビジョン 〜岐路に立つ医薬品業界」なら日本語版PDFが簡単にダウンロードできます。ちょっと古い情報も含まれていますがが、大きなトレンドを把握するには有効な材料だと思います。どうぞここを見て下さい。

jeffjapan at 20:44コメント(0)トラックバック(0)Pharma/HealthcareStrategy 