The Future of Healthcare - Explore it With Me!
As a healthcare marketing strategist, I am always looking to learn about
future trends that will affect my clients' business in the coming years. Coming
up this September in the US are two events that caught my attention, and
that I want to share with everyone: the Medicine 2.0 at Harvard (9/15-16)
and Medicine X at Stanford (9/29-20). Each event will offer a great chance
to explore the convergence of truly cutting-edge ideas and the possibilities
for creative collaboration that will determine future success for companies in
the healthcare industry.
I plan to attend both events and would like to encourage as many peers as
possible from Japan / Asia to come along! We aren't a travel agency, so you
will need to register independently. But please let me know right away if you
can be there - I will be organizing a dinner at each event for Asia-Pac
attendees (and anyone else interested in how things might play out in this
region!) so that we can network more closely and continue the conversations
afterwards as well!
Either post here with comments, send me an email or find me on LinkedIn
or Twitter.
Some details:
Harvard Medicine 2.0: the 5th annual Medicine 2.0 conference, this time
hosted on the Harvard Campus. Over 300 presentations from academic
researchers, business practitioners, healthcare providers, social / digital app
developers... You name it! Almost sold out already, so get your seats quickly!
(The program has not yet been posted on the open site, but if you register
you can see the approved abstracts - or drop me a note and I will email them
to you.)
Stanford Medicine X: this conference looks like it is in its second year, and
offers very big-name presenters from the world of design, medical research,
digital / social media. A heavy emphasis on self-tracking applications with a
special full-day intro workshop dedicated to this on the day before the actual
conference. There are also other options, including a Silicon Valley start-up
visit / area tour, and a creative "design thinking" experiential workshop at the
famously innovative design company IDEO as well (you will find me there!).
VC's will also be in attendance. Lots to do in sunny California!
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the US!