
future of healthcare in Paris - Doctors 2.0 & You

Just returned from a rewarding trip to Paris where @BasilStrategies put
together a fantastic cutting-edge event exploring the outlines of the future
of healthcare, especially focusing on digital technologies (mobile, social
media, etc.) and the way these will help shape the evolving relationships
between patients, physicians, and other stakeholders. Thanks to Denise
Silber and everyone who arranged and contributed at @doctors20!

This was my first time to attend such an event outside the US, and I was
struck by the many similarities with the Japan market - single payer public
health-care systems, no branded pharma DTC, unclear regulatory
guidelines regarding the use of new technologies... Within that framework,
there are clearly some extremely motivated people doing some really
innovative things!

-The SickKids Hospital in Toronto that created a "Pain Squad" game for
pediatric oncology patients to better understand and deal with the
difficulties of their condition.

-The NHS Oxford Trust medical support team that officially recommends
that their new patients read the blog of Crohn's Disease ePatient
Michael Seres to inform them of what to expect from their treatments and

-Professional physician communities, whether at the global level (with
Sermo going big!), the country level (such as iVrach in Russia or DXY.com
in China with over 1 million verified physicians - even bigger!) or the
specialty level (Dermaweb, etc.) that are moving more toward true
discussion and free information exchange rather than just one-way journal

-Withings and their connected health objects (lots to learn here for
Japanese manufacturers looking to build an ecosystem to support self-
tracking initiatives), and of course Slow Control with their Hapifork that
buzzes to slow you down while eating... (So French!)

-And finally, a lineup of new start-ups looking to solve problems ranging
from patient loneliness and boredom during hospital stays to adherence
challenges in huge chronic disease conditions such as heart failure and

I also was privileged to give a short talk on the physicians' usage of digital
technology in Japan, and was delighted at the level of interest from the
other attendees. Most were very curious about the factors that had allowed
M3 and CareNet to build such huge e-detailing models in the country, and
also about the adoption of digital tools in the clinical sphere. I encouraged
them to come on over and pilot their products and services in Japan - after
all, this is the best place to learn about how an aging population and soon-
to-be-bankrupt single payer will handle the healthcare challenge. Whoever
can offer valuable solutions and prove them in the extremely unforgiving
Japanese market will be well-positioned to then cascade into the other
countries following closely along that graying curve. 

There is much, much more worth mentioning, but not enough space to do
so. Check out the website at www.doctors20.com and plan to early to join
in the discussion next year! 

jeffjapan at 12:38コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 



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