

pharma 2015

This year has started out great, with lots of opportunities to think about
where the pharma marketing in Japan will be going in 2015 and beyond.
Here are some of my thoughts:

1) generics are for real - we have heard lots of talk over the past few years
about generics, but there were still nagging healthcare professional 
concerns about quality & supply issues, as well as general skepticism
among patients regarding switching from branded products. Those days are
gone. The MHLW is pushing the point system hard, almost every major
pharma has its own generic subsidiary or tie-up, and authorized generics 
have debuted. Commercial teams should realize that Japan has finally
caught up to the rest of the world in this respect - and talk about "defending" 
products after loss of exclusivity has become largely a waste of time and

2) area strategies will be key - as the market demand for local healthcare
collaboration increases, pharma companies are responding by shifting more
budgeting and tactical decision-making to field management. That means
that head-office commercial teams are going to need to be more flexible in
offering options, and also more sophisticated in gathering performance results
from disparate  combinations of initiatives to identify what works best and
share that back into the field.

3) multi-channel advantages await - physicians new CRM solutions are
everywhere, but very few are working well on an operational level. One key
reason is that marketers have not yet adapted their traditional approaches in
order to leverage them properly. Those teams that can leverage insights
generation in order to define a true needs-based segmentation scheme, and
then tweak their market messages and activities to deliver value to priority
segments - instead of relying on across-the-board share of voice - will help
their MR's stand out and create real synergies with the sales force.

4) "beyond the pill" value is required - this has become a recent buzzword,
but MR's lining up in hospital corridors to hammer home product-focused
messages are not going to get face time with their physician customers
anymore. Marketers need to help them talk about patient types, treatment
options, local healthcare networks, and other tangential issues, adding value
to each and every customer interaction in the process.

Exciting times are on the way, as market pressures will help to distinguish
clever, strategic marketing from yesterday's run-of-the-mill approaches.

jeffjapan at 13:15コメント(0)IdeasMarketing 