

the 8:30 rule

I do a lot of teaching and facilitation in corporations and universities,

and through that get a chance to interact with lots of young business

people. Typically these are high-performers chosen by their companies to

participate in the courses my company offers, or MBA/MOT students at top-

level universities. So this is a highly-motivated talent pool to start with.


Despite their already busy work schedules, they sacrifice precious free time

with family, friends and hobbies in an effort to better themselves and learn

more about the world around them. This is fantastic, and I applaud their



But at the same time, there is more that most of these students could do to

leverage the opportunities they are getting. The "best of the best" that I

see in these groups, the true global professionals - people who make a real

difference in shaping their companies or organizations and the markets that

they touch - are those that always "take the next step" in whatever they

do. They don't just attend the courses they are offered. They make sure to

follow-up, understanding that application is key.


The most successful people I know are the ones who not only gather a lot of

meishi at the cocktail party - but those who send a thoughtful note and

even an extra question to those they have met the next morning. They not

only write down the name of the book the speaker mentioned - but quickly

buy it and start reading it in the train that night. And when they get a

business idea in the shower, they not only write it down on a long to-do

list - they immediately gather a couple of colleagues over lunch and explore

how to expand it into a project.


From these observations, I have developed what I call the "8:30 Rule". The

next time you meet someone interesting, or learn a new concept, or have an

idea - DO SOMETHING with it at 8:30 the next morning. Before everyone else

gets to the office. Before you get bogged down with email. It doesn't have

to be a big step, just a concrete step that you can follow up on later.

Order the book online. Write a quick summary of the idea and email it to a

colleague for input. Create a mind map about how it relates to your work,

and reserve 30 minutes in your next monthly team meeting agenda to

discuss its potential relevance. Believe me, if you don't do it then,

you will probably never get around to it later.


There is always a danger that people feel self-satisfied after attending a

seminar, and then lose all the potential value of it by forgetting to truly

follow-up and apply their learnings in their daily life. I do it myself

all the time. True Global Professionals don't fall into that trap. I

have been trying to apply my own "8:30 Rule" as a way to force myself

to improve in this way. I hope it can help you as well.

jeffjapan at 10:06コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 


design thinking

jeffjapan at 00:04コメント(0) 



やっとでました。超有名な戦略経営学者であるハーバード大学のマイケル・ポーター先生とヴァージニア大学のオルムステッド・ティスバーグ先生が2006年に出版した"Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results"の日本語版(医療戦略の本質:価値を向上させる競争)。予約購入で先日私のところに届きました。ちょっと重いと言えば重い(626ページ、内容も軽くありませんよ!)ですが、夏休みにじっくりと時間が取れる方々に是非お勧めしたい一冊です。

ポーター氏が1985年に取り上げた"Value Chain Analysis"(バリュー・チェーン)の、医療業界への応用編となります。詳細が多く、基本的にアメリカ市場状況しか紹介されていませんので、100%参考になる訳ではありませんが、基本的なメッセージが分かりやすく、日本でも十分な意味をもつと思います:

1) ある薬剤の単価、ある医師の時間配分、ある機械の利用頻度など、単発のコスト削減ばかりを見るゼロ・サム競争ではなく、ある疾患で苦しんでいる患者様へ包括的に提供する価値に基づく競争が原点。

2) 患者様が病気になってからでは遅い。医療システムの全ステークホールダー(医師、看護師、薬剤師、患者、病院経営者、製薬・機器メーカーなど)が予防医療(PREVENTION)を促進させるために、自分なりにできることをやるべき。「突き詰めていえば、本来は健康な方が安上がりであるため、医療の質の向上はコストを低下させるのである。従って、健康を維持することが究極的なコスト削減になるのだ。「p.164」





jeffjapan at 10:29コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 


Earth Rising

When business slows down around Christmas and the New Year, I

often find myself searching out old books and thinking (or trying to

think!) a little bigger about things. This Christmas Eve, I found a great

present in my newspaper - a beautiful piece by Oliver Morton, the

chief news and features editor of the journal Nature. 


Don't link to this until you can get yourself a hot cup of tea in a quite

place to sit down and enjoy it properly. (New York Times記事)

Unfortunately, the weblink doesn't include the original photo that was

in the paper - but I found it at a different site for everyone (here ).


Print this big in color first, then sit back and ENJOY!

jeffjapan at 11:28コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 